Community and Population Health Assessment Program

The Community and Population Health Assessment Program leads and supports efforts with partner agencies to complete broad, cross program, department, or community level assessments to identify needs and inform planning for the health improvement of Utahns. The Office of Public Health Assessment meets this purpose by working with partner agencies to complete the Statewide Health Assessment and the Utah Health Improvement Plan.

The UDOH completes a state health assessment (SHA) approximately every three years. The last comprehensive state assessment for Utah was completed in 2016. This assessment represents an overall health status of the state of Utah and is used to assess the highest priority needs of the state. The state health assessment process informs the prioritization of health issues for the Utah Health Improvement Plan (UHIP).

2019 Utah State Health Assessment Report

Want to learn more?

For more information about the top health priorities for Utah and to learn more about efforts to address these priorities, visit:

State Health Assessment and Improvement Planning Cycle

For more information about the top health priorities for Utah and to learn more about efforts to address these priorities, visit: