Data Dissemination Program
The Data Dissemination Program supports efforts to make health data in Utah readily accessible for assessment, policy planning, evaluation, and sharing in regard to health status, outcomes, improvement efforts, and documentation resources. We accomplish this purpose through monthly distribution of the Utah health status updates, Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation notices, and up-to-date output of health topics with the Utah Public Health Indicator Based Information System (IBIS) opens in a new tab.
Indicator-based Information System for Public Health
The IBIS health topics module opens in a new tab helps users navigate and find information within the statewide, local health district, or small areas realm, interactive map data, chart data, queryable datasets, and geographical grids, with improved search capabilities.
IBIS-PH provides information on the health status of Utahns, the state of the health care system, and Utah public health activities. You can access published reports and dynamic indicator profiles and even query health data directly.
Health Status Updates
The Health Status Update in a monthly publication highlighting important public health issues for the state, new health policies impacting the Utah population, and data findings from programs across the Utah Department of Health and Human Services. It also contains a dashboard of key health measures, providing a status update of the health of Utah.
Monthly Division of Data, Systems, and Evaluation (DSE) news and updates
Sign up to receive notices of DSE news and updates from the monthly DSE email.